Are Skills More Important Than Degrees in the Tech Dominated World Today?
There is some heated debate going on the topic- which is …
Apple CEO Tim Cook explains why you don’t need a college degree to be successful
While a four-year college degree has become a common requirement for …
Microsoft doesn’t require a college degree for entry-level jobs — here’s what the company looks for instead, according to execs
Landing a job at Microsoft without a college degree is within …
學歷重不重要?如果是蘋果CEO提姆.庫克(Tim Cook),他可能會告訴你,大學文憑不是品質保證,很多唸完4年大學的人,可能連科技業的ABC都不知道。 學歷到底重不重要?可能得看你問的是誰。 如果是蘋果公司(Apple)CEO提姆‧庫克(Tim Cook) …